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Rony Peterson Santos Almeida

Research post-doc

Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG)

Rony is a post-doctoral researcher in the ABC Expeditions project, in the field of myrmecology.

Rony Peterson Santos Almeida has a degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS, 2012), Itabaiana Campus. He has a Master’s degree from the Graduate Program in Ecology and Conservation (2013-2015) of UFS, São Cristóvão Campus, and a PhD from the Graduate Program in Zoology (2017-2021) through an agreement between the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) and Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG). He is a collaborator in the Laboratory of Biology and Ecology of Vertebrates (LABEV-UFS), working with systematic monitoring and ecology of reptile and amphibian communities, a member of the Group for the Study of Arthropods of the Amazon (GEAA-MPEG), working with social insertion and scientific dissemination, and a member of the Laboratory of Morphology and Functional Ecology of Ants (AntMor-MPEG), working with functional diversity and ecology of ant communities. He is interested in the topics of scientific dissemination, data analysis, community ecology, functional diversity and myrmecology.

©2022 by ABC Expeditions

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